The Ponds
How Sewer Rates Are Calculated:
Sewer Base Rate per Month $36.34
Sewer Usage Fee per Thousand Gallons* $8.49
Water Usage Fee per Thousand Gallons 0 – 14,999 gallons $5.07 per 1,000 gal
15,000 – 29,99 gallons $5.31 per 1,000 gal
30,000 – 44,999 gallons $6.22 per 1,000 gal
over 44,999 gallons $7.32 per 1,000 gal
2024 Utility Rates
The Ponds Sewer |
Sewer Base Rate |
$36.34/month |
Sewer Usage Fee per Thousand Gallons |
$8.49 |
Sewer and Water Connection Permit* |
$50.00 |
Sewer Access Charge (SAC) |
$4,284.00 |
The Ponds Water |
Water Base Rate Per Month |
$15.84 |
Water Usage Fee per Thousand Gallons |
0-14,999 Gallons 15,000-24,999 25,000-44,999 Over 45,000 |
$5.07 $5.31 $6.22 $7.32 |
Water Access Charge (WAC) |
$3,500.00 ($3,000 remitted to St. Francis, per agreement) |
Water Meter |
$225.00 |
Water Shut Off |
$25.00 |
Water Reconnect Fee |
$25.00 |
*Inspection performed by the City of Oak Grove Public Works Department
Grinder Pump Information
User Instructions for Environmental One Grinder Pumps
Contractor |
Base Bid Amount |
Douglas-Ker Underground |
$118,304.12 |
Pete’s Water and Sewer |
$132,661.39 |
Dave Perkins Contracting |
$159,218.00 |
Rachel Contracting |
$173,661.00 |
The Ponds Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Updates:
9/30/21: The City Council will discuss what to do with The Ponds sewer plant land at their regular meeting on October 11, 2021 at 7:00 pm. Some options include selling the land to a developer to construct more homes and holding on to the land for future use. The public is welcome to attend and discuss this matter with the Mayor and City Council.
9/13/21: The City Council awarded the contract for The Ponds Sewer Plant Abandonment Project to Urban Companies at an estimated cost of $95,000.
10/16/19: Construction Update: The contactor is scheduled to start construction the week of October 21st. The City Council increased the Ponds sewer rates to a base rate of $35.50 and a usage rate of $8.16/1,000 gallons of water used effective November 1, 2019.
10/8/19: Construction Update: The contactor is scheduled to start construction in late October.
9/25/19: Construction Update: Douglas-Kerr Underground is tentatively scheduled to start construction the week October 14, 2019.
9/25/19: The City Council will discuss utility rates on 9/30/19. A proposed rate increase to convert the ponds utility bills from a monthly fixed rate to a rate based on usage to match St. Francis billing method will be considered at the 10/14/19 city council meeting.
9/3/19: The City Council will discuss utility rates on 9/9/19. A proposed rate increase to convert the ponds utility bills from a monthly fixed rate to a rate based on usage to match St. Francis billing method will be considered at the 9/30/19 city council meeting. New sewer rates will be effective on your November bill for the previous month usage.
7/29/19: The City Council awarded the contract for The Ponds Sanitary Sewer Connection to St. Francis project to Douglas-Kerr Underground. Douglas Kerr was the low bidder at $118,304.12. Construction to tentatively start in mid September.
7/22/19: The City received 7 bids for the sanitary sewer connection to St. Francis Project. The lowest four bids are summarized:
The City Council will consider awarding the bid to Douglas-Kerr Underground, the lowest bidder at their regular meeting on July 29, 2019.
6/6/19: The City Engineer is seeking City Council authorization on Monday, June 10th to advertise for bids to contractors the plans and specifications to connect to the City of St. Francis system.
Tentative Schedule (subject to change):
June 10, 2019: City Council considers approving plans and specifications
July 17, 2019: Bid closes
July 24, 2019: City Council Considers Awarding Project to lowest responsible bidder.
August, 2019: Start construction
October 11, 2019: Substantial completion
October 25, 2019: Final Completion
October, 2020: Warranty Inspection
5/6/19: MSA Professional Services is designing the plans and specs to connect to the St. Francis system. Once plans and specs are complete the City will release the project for bid. Project construction is anticipated to commence in the Fall of 2019.
4/25/19: The City received a letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) stating the City of Oak Grove must make the connection to the City of St. Francis by December 30, 2019 in order to avoid a major permit modification to revise the compliance schedule under our current operating permit for The Ponds.
4/18/19: The City had a conference call with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to discuss next steps with the connection to St. Francis and the decommissioning of the existing Ponds wastewater treatment plant. The City learned we are able to do much of the decommissioning with city staff. This should help control the costs of decommissioning the plant.
3/26/19: The Oak Grove City Council voted 3-2 to approve the agreement to connect to the City of St. Francis wastewater treatment plant.
The Ponds Wastewater Treatment Plat Facility Plan Presentation - July 30, 2018
Final Facility Plan Public Hearing, City Hall, Monday December 10, 2018 7:00 pm
Proposal from City of St. Francis 11-27-18
City Council Presentation 2-25-19