Fire Station City Hall Building Project Open House - Monday, August 5, 2024 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Oak Grove City Hall
Update: July 15, 2024
The Mayor and City Council are requesting feedback at an open house on Monday, August 5, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Oak
Grove City Hall, 19900 Nightingale Street NW. If you are unable to attend the Open House, provide feedback directly to
the Mayor and Council.
Update: March 1, 2024
Buetow Architecture recently completed a facility needs
Buetow Architecture recently completed a facility needs
study for a new Fire Station/City Hall building located on
the same site as the current facility. The concept drawing
on the right shows what a new facility could look like but
is not a final design. The final study can be reviewed on
the City’s website at www.ci.oak-grove.mn.us.
This facility needs study , is the first step in the process
to construct a new facility. The Mayor and City Council
are requesting feedback on the proposed project and will
host an open house on Tuesday, March 26, from 5:00-
7:00 p.m. at Oak Grove City Hall, 19900 Nightingale Street
NW. If you are unable to attend the Open House, you
can also provide feedback on the project directly to the
Mayor and Council. See the contact information on the
back page of the newsletter. An online survey to provide
feedback is also available on the City’s website at
The project will be a public safety building with space
for fire, police, and ambulance services. The new facility
is estimated to cost $15.5 million. On the right sidebar
of this page there is an estimated annual property tax impact
of the project by property value.